What should be a Christian's view on Cloning?
If someone was cloned, does that mean that not only God could create life? Wow what a good question. In my personal opinion, man is not creating life, he is altering/perverting it. Genesis 1:7 says, “the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,” Now when man can get to this point then we have a major ethical decision to make. Now that is something man will never do. So man may be able to duplicate/alter life, but he will never create life out of nothing. One thing that sets man apart from any other life form is the second part of that verse, “God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.” Man was created and probably ‘liveable’, but God’s breath in him, gave him his distinct/true life.
Would the clone be alive and real? I suppose it would be, but it would not really real –just an organized body of cells. It would not have God’s Spirit in it and therefore, in my mind, not be human.
I found a particular website very helpful, http://www.gotquestions.org/cloning-Christian.html .
Also, look at the following verses to learn what God says about when life begins. Genesis 1:26-27 Psalm 139:13-16Isaiah 49:1-5
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